A unique social marketplace that is 100% customer-driven. Sellers determine the nature of the goods to be sold and Buyers determine the price. You can be a buyer or a seller or both! No two auctions are the same and the variety of goods is unlimited. Patience can be richly rewarded because sooner or later almost everything comes through our Auction.

We’ve been in business for over 45 years. We handle a wide range of Auctions. We have monthly and specialty auctions ranging from Estates, Furniture & Appliances, Tools & Equipment, Automobiles, Antiques & Collectables, Industrial Equipment, “ON-SITE” or in our Auction Showroom.

How it Works

On-Line Timed Bidding
Our auctions are now conducted online through Live Auction World…

View, Register, Bid on Liveauctionworld



We provide comprehensive Auction Service for On-Site & Specialty Auctions:
Business Closures, Liquidations, Bankruptcies, Bailiff Seizures, Estates, Antiques, Food Service Equipment & Vehicles.

Let our professional staff handle every detail, from advertising, marketing, set up, organization, clean up, concession, even washrooms. Your cheque is delivered within one week… No fuss!