Our Accredited Appraisers are members in good standing of the Canadian Personal Property Appraisers Group (CPPAG) and enable us to offer you complete and professional appraisal services. Our Appraisals and Reports are prepared in compliance with the standards and practices of the CPPAG and are subject to review by the CPPAG or their duly authorized committee.
We offer extensive Appraisal services for Estate Settlements and all other Personal needs. Full services are also available for all Business needs, such as buying, selling or liquidating an operational business, asset disposal for non-operational businesses, insurance claims and other legal considerations.
Appraisals cover the Value Categories of Fair Market Value, Value-in-Place and Liquidation Value, as they are applicable to the location’s city and region.
The price of an Appraisal is based on a rate of $150.00 initial call-out for professional services: including viewing the merchandise, taking pictures, cataloging property, research, write-up and travel. Additional travel, research, consultation and documentation will be billed at $150.00 an hour (Plus GST). Expenses such as photocopying, photo sets and report typing are billed separately at $40 an hour (Plus GST).
The total cost is dependent upon the quantity of property involved, travel time and how extensive a report is required to be in order to meet your specific needs. You can discuss this in advance with any one of our Appraisers. Appointments are required for all appraisal consultations but our staff is quite accommodating and sensitive to your circumstances.
Appraisals are evaluated based on one of the three following categories, depending upon which is best suited to your needs. Consideration is also given to the current economic conditions of the city and region in which the property and/or business is located.
Fair Market Value: The price at which the property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under compulsion to sell or purchase and both having reasonable knowledge of the relevant facts.
- An example would be the evaluation of an Estate.
Liquidation Value: The price at which the property would change hands when there was a financial situation, or other limiting circumstances, existing at the time of sale so as to require a sacrifice.
- An example would be in the event of a bankruptcy.
Going Concern Value-in-Place: : A professional opinion of the estimated value to be realized for the property as installed for its intended use, in an exchange between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to either buy or sell.
- An example would be the equipment and furnishings of an operating business seeking to sell, secure financing for expansion, or for an insurance claim.